I have limited tolerance for 80s nostalgia. I feel no sentimentality for Thundercat or John Hughes movies. I think Thriller is okay, just okay.
And the 80s fashion redux of late: I sloowwwwwly came around to leggings. Skinny jeans have not been my favorite fashion trend of all times. And acid-washed tapered jeans, umm.
But the sunglasses, oh dear god the sunglasses:
....oh, and Kanye.
ohh Kanye...
Wake up!
These. Do. Not. Look. Good.
In fact, they look horrible.
This trend must die.
wrong. i just bought some kanye glasses and they will be so kick ass.
WRONG ur gay
to some it is not a trend!
my dad wore then when he was young
so iv always had some at hand
iw as born in 1989 so it kinda sucks i didnt get to experience that era
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